CALL US FOR HELP. 855-652-3737

Speak to a trained family or peer specialist who can provide supportive counseling and quick access to treatment through REACHNJ.

Calls answered live by qualified substance abuse counselors

An Information Hub and Resource for Family and Friends

NJ Connect for Recovery is dedicated to providing emotional support, information and referral to family members and friends of people living with a substance use condition. We are here to help you support your loved one’s recovery and your own well-being. Callers have the opportunity to speak with a trained Peer Speciliast who has had personal experience with recovery and who understands the unique and complex effect of additiction on relationships.

Family Support and Resources and Links

This list of resources may be helpful to you and your loved one as you embark upon a journey to wellness and recovery. These resources offer tools and information designed for families and friends. You’ll find valuable services that can assist with understanding the complexities of addiction, accessing local programs, and finding emotional support for yourself and your loved one.

Drug addiction help, support and education

On-Demand Webinar, Podast and Presentation Recordings

Welcome to our collection of on-demand webinars, podcasts, and presentation recordings designed to support families and loved ones of individuals with substance use disorder. Here, you’ll find a range of valuable insights, educational information and emotional support. Whether you’re navigating the challenges of addiction, learning how to support your loved one, or learning how to care for your own well-being, these resources are here to help.

 Stories of recovery from drug addiction

Stories of Hope

Welcome to our story page, where you’ll find powerful stories from those who have walked alongside a loved one struggling with addiction. These personal experiences reflect the challenges, the triumphs, and the unwavering belief that recovery is possible. Whether you’re seeking inspiration, strength, or understanding, these stories offer a reminder that even in the darkest moments, hope can light the way forward. Explore the courage of families who have turned pain into purpose through their efforts to support their loved one.


  • NJ Connect for Recovery Helps Families Fight Addiction with CRAFT Method - To assist families, NJ Connect for Recovery offered an educational session featuring Robert Meyers, Ph.D. co-author of CRAFT, an evidence-based intervention program to help families of people living with substance use disorder. NJTV’s Michael Hill covered the training. Learn more in the full article, “A different approach to intervene and get a substance user to
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